
Lostwithiel U3A



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Shire Hall, Mount Folly, Bodmin

Opening Dates and Times

Monday 25th to Friday 29th November 2019

Monday 2nd to Friday 6th December

From 9am to 2pm


About Lostwithiel U3A Photography Group

When Lostwithiel U3A launched in 2013 the Photography Group was set up by Peter Bland, who is a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society (RPS), together with his wife Caroline, a Licentiate of the RPS.

The group has grown to over 30 members and flourished to a point where Peter is able to step back from being group contact. However, the group maintains Peter's photographic ethos of encouragement and enjoyment.

The group meets twice each month. One meeting is based in Lostwithiel when we show and discuss photographs. The second sees us out around the county taking pictures and helping each other to try new photographic techniques and challenges.

Workshops, with renowned professional photographers, are also regularly arranged. These give us the chance to improve and grow within our own particular area of interest. As a group we try to arrange activities that are both helpful and inspiring.


Find out more about Lostwithiel U3A

If you want to find out more about Lostwithiel U3A then please visit our website.